If you asked 100 people which home improvement project would generate the highest ROI which project do you think would win the popular vote? Kitchen remodeling? Bathroom remodeling? Window replacement? These are all good guesses and most people would probably pick one of them as being the most cost effective. But they’d all be wrong. Because the home improvement project that actually wins the ROI battle is none other than (drum roll please)…. replacing your front door.
Huh? Is that right? Absolutely. By replacing your front door with a new steel door you stand to recoup a staggering 98% of your investment, according to a new article on houselogic.com. Here are the details:
Year in and year out, no single project has provided such a healthy return on your home improvement dollar as a new front door. A replacement steel door averaged a 98% return on investment — by far the highest return in our historical look at the “Cost vs. Value Report.
It’s also the lowest-cost project in the annual report at $1,230. It’s an energy upgrade that has great curb appeal and needs virtually no maintenance…Plus, old exterior doors can be a huge source of energy loss. So you’re improving the look of your house, improving energy efficiency, and you’re able to do it without breaking the bank.
That’s a pretty amazing piece of information since it’s likely that, at best, only 1 or 2 of those hundred people surveyed would have picked front door replacement as being such a smart thing to do. But maybe it shouldn’t be all that surprising since ⅓ of all home invasions occur through the front door and by replacing old wood entry doors with a new steel door you instantly raise your home security profile by several degrees.
But besides just keeping you safe steel doors keep the heat in and the drafts out. In fact a steel door without a window has 5 times the insulating power of a wood door. 5 times. Some of the other advantages of steel entry doors include:
- They can be painted
- They’re extremely durable
- They require little maintenance
- They’re relatively inexpensive
- They come in a wide variety of styles
Steel Entry Doors: A Smart Investment From Any Angle
Your home’s front door is a place of anticipation and expectation. It’s where first time guests wait and wonder what may lie beyond, where kids come to trick or treat, where important packages are received and where the cold and snow of the Toronto winter are left behind. In addition to all that it’s also the visual focal point of the front of your house. In short, your front door is where you meet the world. Because of that it needs to be attractive, welcoming, practical, energy efficient and safe all at the same time.
Wood doors look great but have a low R-Value and leave you and your family vulnerable to intrusion. Fiberglass doors will last forever, are energy efficient and more secure than wood doors; they’re also by far the most expensive type of door you can buy. Steel doors provide the good looks of wood and the increased insulation value of fiberglass without requiring you to spend your vacation money to get them. On top of that they’re also the smartest, most cost-effective improvement you can make to your home.
Want to Know More About Entry Doors? Contact Us Today
At Toronto Doors and Windows we manufacture a variety of steel entry doors that will not only look great but help you save money, save energy and keep your family safe. We’re pioneers in the design and manufacturing of steel doors and all the steel entry doors we make adhere to the highest standards of security, durability and energy efficiency.
Don’t spend another day letting heat escape through your beautiful but ineffective wood door. Don’t spend another second lying awake at night wondering if that same door makes you vulnerable to the type of break-in that occurred across the street. Do something to improve your home’s energy efficiency and security profile while at the same time adding real value to its bottom line: install a steel entry door from Toronto Doors and Windows today and rest warm and easy tonight.